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Aishwarya Gokhale

Aishwarya Gokhale


Articles by Aishwarya Gokhale

kMITRA 4ever

It was the year of 2014, when ideas bloomed and were nurtured, our beloved fostrer child’s journey had just begun. Who knew, our little guy would grow so fast?

 Monday, October 8, 20180 Comments
Never Give Up!

There are a few untold stories about the 26/11 Mumbai attacks, some of which bring tears rolling down your cheeks while the others bring a warm smile to your fa

 Saturday, August 4, 20180 Comments
The Lip-Smacking International Mango festival

All the mango lovers out there must have definitely stacked their refrigerators with the few mangoes left at the end of the season. But there is some great news

 Sunday, July 1, 20180 Comments
Meghalaya - Wonderland Of Names

If you were an English freak what would you name your child? Let me suggest a few, Rose? or Romeo if you were Shakespeare’s fan. Well, there are a few names whi

 Monday, April 2, 20180 Comments
Doctor who aided hunt for Osama bin Laden

A person who would be a hero in the US is languishing in jail for the last 5 years in Pakistan. You would probably wonder why this person is behind bars for all

 Sunday, January 28, 20180 Comments

VOYAGER 2: SAILING AMONG GIANT PLANETS Let’s gear up for reading an interesting article about theVoyager 2 spacecraft which has already traveled millions of mil

 Wednesday, January 3, 20180 Comments
Lost At Sea: The Man Who Vanished For 14 Months

In November 2012, Salvador Alvarenga went fishing off the coast of Mexico. Two days later, a storm hit and he made a desperate SOS. It was the last anyone heard

 Friday, July 1, 20160 Comments